My mom is a writer. A couple years ago, at a literary event, she found herself talking to a women who working in marketing for one of the top publishing houses in the country. They got to talking about the unique challenges women face in the publishing world. Some of those challenges – like the VIDA count, or how a...
Man and The Land
[coming soon]
Two shot Men
[coming soon]
There is a word-art relationship present in the FSA’s collection, even before I, and other scholars, begin to engage critically and creatively with it. This relationship is primarily between the the images and the captions they were given by photographers. Some photographers, motivated by the knowledge potential captured in their images, also submitted supplementary written material...
Absence on White
[coming soon]
the other child
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A Sleeping Death
[coming soon]
Man and Chains
I love this photo. I chose it because I love it, and I wanted to recover it from the depths of the Library of Congress archive. I want to redeem this photo from Stryker’s harsh hand and resurrect the image from where he tried to bury it when he chose to kill the negative. Like...